Care Co-ordinators and Social Prescribing

Care Co-ordinators and Social Prescribing

The service is designed to help support patients with long term conditions in a practical way to help them access the many varied services, available both within the NHS and the local community. Services we commonly help with include: Transport links - Blue Badge, taxi vouchers, etc, Carers Support, Equipment for the home, Befriending, Continence issues and many more.

If you feel you would benefit from this service, or someone you care for would benefit, please make an appointment or ask for a telephone call with our Care Co-ordinator. Alternatively, you can email them on

Our care co-ordinators are: Charlie, Ali, Jacqui and Sam. Our care co-ordinators also carry out social prescribing, for more information on both services please click on the links below to download the leaflets:

Care Co-ordinators Leaflet - Who we are and what we do

Social Prescribing - How we can help you

Social Prescribing Children